Yak is often used to fill in human hair wigs and is used for theatrical wigs and doll making
wefted Yak hair is a bit fuller than human hair or goat mohair
coarse texture this is heavyer like coarse human hair with a very slight crimpy texture at the ends
color red wine
hair length 5-6"
this is a single sewn weft weft is 1 layer and more flexable than the double sewn weft ( helpful for smaller wigs )
Full pack - this weft comes in 95 gram packages (and is sold as a full pack or 1/2 pack )
length of weft aprox 210" packs can vary but average about 210 "
weft style silky straight texture coarse adult
weight heavy
full packs average 3.35 oz or 95 g this piece is about 3 1/3 oz of combed wefted Yak hair
This weft is washable and may be combed
In the picture the weft is shown on the right one layer and folded on the left so you can see how full and even it is and also see the color it will look when layered on a wig
This is a very heavily wefted commercial weft for wigging large dolls and masks . . figure on the wefts being 1/4 - 1/2 " apart around the wig measure your wig cap to determine needed yardage
This is not a wig,
( weft is mohair locks combed and sewn across the top, the edge is turned and it is sewn down to lock the hairs in place . Hair extensions and wigs are usually made from weft )
Many more colors available