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Doll hair wool curls , Salt and pepper Wensleydale locks
most curls are 6-8" prior to combing
1 oz ( = 28.35g ) of Wensleydale wool curls
for your doll, felting or craft project
lot shown is 1 oz
lined up as shown and bagged in 1 oz lots
very little VM
long wool doll hair locks in the medium salt and pepper gray
This lot is sold by the oz it is the washed Wensleydale wool in the picture
this lot is not combed
This has good length (mostly 6-8" locks) ready for you to craft with, turn it into hair for your favorite fantasy doll. needle felt or spin , it is shown as it will arrive . This would make great fairy doll hair It is a nice clean lot, as far as vegetable matter goes, there is very little .