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medium neutral brown color sample on mohair 22973

Quick Overview

Due to the large number of international orders shipped first class international taking longer than 4 weeks to arrive, we have discontinued using first class international for shipments other than North America.  First class international has no tracking and Pay pal requires us to use tracking to prove we have shipped .   International shipping is now International  express mail  only which incudes tracking and insurance . It arrives quickly and will satisfy pay pal requirements. 

Availability: 1 item(s)


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                        medium neutral brown dyed mohair sample

  • There is 1 gram in this listing 
  • close up of the color shown is 1 gram
  • this is a sample of the color shown ,  samples are or reference  or for times you only need small bits of a color.
  •  All the dying is done for you .
  • There is no size choice these are pre  packed samples from previously dyed lots
  • The hair on most of this is 3" 

Base price for shipping samples is 2.98 additional items from the sample lots will add 0.17 per item to the shipping

soon these will also be available with proper hang tags so samples can all be put on a binder ring