color is white bulk unwashed locks
this is the straighter hair , this straighter hair is great for reborns or antique dolls that you want a smooth hair texture
each fleece is photographed seperatly , there is some lock variation within each fleece
texture is fine adult
this fleece has bits of hay that will comb out during the washing and combing needed to process it
length of curls mostly 3-6" may be a few shorterThis is a 3 oz lot of this wonderful mohair
picture is the fleeece being shipped
It is doe fleece expect small amounts of VM
This is wonderfully shiny when washed ,This is ready to wash and turn into hair for your favorite doll. . It will arive bagged 6.4 oz lots
this is not yet washed but has been picked over to remove any heavy debris .
This can be dyed to any color . .This was not a coated animal and it is a bulk lot , it has been skirted to remove all manure but there is some small amounts bedding and hay That is a disclamer just in case !), ( Goats will be goats ) .The small bits of bedding or hay will mostly fall out during proccessing the fiber I will combine the sales to lower the postage on items that ship together.