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kid -yearling mohair curls washed 3-6" doll wigs,weft,fairies or rooting 25289

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  •  Mohair washed white young adult 3-5" length  
  • Photo is a close up of 14 oz of this fleece - washed listing is for 1 oz
  • Item #  25289
  • Amount 1 oz per lot
  • this is a fine  2 clip kid or yearling
  • goat got bedding in her hair, it will comb out during wig making
  • please note this lot is bulk , which means I have not lined it up or pre sorted the locks
  • Nice length it has  VM  VM will comb out during processing                    

The washed white mohair curls  color is a natural creamy white may have some slightly tan tips , This is sold in one oz lots so you can buy what you need .This is a great length for doll wigs , wonderfully shiny and ready to dye into ringlets in any color you need for your fairy or doll  . shown as it came off the dryer this is washed but not picked, the mohair has great color , Any small bits of bedding or hay will mostly fall out during proccessing and combing the fiber .  ( best done after wefting or dyeing )