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Violet lambskin for making a mohair like wig,this is an edge piece .the hair is not as thick and is shorter 2-4" priced 10% lower
Item size 2 " The picture is a 5"
hair is 2-4" long
Color, Violet
prime cuts : no seams
texture This is a wavy haired Tibetian lamb skin
Tibetian lambskins are easy to use.They are wonderful for small dolls and fairies.Used with the skin on they make great skin wigs for tiny dolls, or the hair can be cut from the skin to make applied wigs. All the dyeing is done for you .These are pre cut .The hair on this is 3-5" long-doll house size take about 2 1/2 -4 square inches each, it is silky soft and naturally wavy